Mission & Vision


We want to be a leading lubricants brand in East Africa.


  • We provide solutions that reduce maintenance cost and environmental damage, and safety to users.
  • We want to remain committed to quality.
  • We want to play a leading role in promoting professional use of lubricants.
  • We want to provide such lubricants at affordable prices while ensuring we generate reasonable returns for our shareholders.
  • We want to work with a motivated work force that delivered high quality service to our customers while earning a fair reward for their good work.
  • We will protect the environment by promoting safe lubricants that give maximum protection to equipment while lasting long in service to minimize damage to environment.
  • We want to promote integrity in all our dealings.
  • We want to continuously train users of lubricants so that they get the best value out of their lubricants.
  • We want to promote respect to all our stakeholders and respect to their religious beliefs.
  • We will always develop with our technology partners innovative products that reduce cost of operation and reduce negative impact to environment health and safety.
  • We will promote a safe working environment to ensure the health of our staff.
  • We want to handle customer orders and enquiries expeditiously thus promoting efficiency in lubricant supply.
  • We will provide an environment where our staff can develop and grow their talent.